The danger that CO2 emissions from human activities could cause irreversible climate change (Anthropogenic Global Warming) is now widely accepted but solutions to the problem are disputed. This website advocates for the urgent expansion in the use of nuclear fission power to reduce CO2 emissions.
Fossil fuels are the major source of CO2 emissions in electricity generation and must be eliminated as soon as possible. Many "Green" organizations advocate evolving the electricity generation mix towards 100% "renewable" in which they intend to exclude nuclear energy. Due to weather fluctuations, wind and solar power are extremely variable and must be backed up with other sources of generation: in practice this means the extended use of fossil fuels given the decommissioning of nuclear fission power which is happening in many countries.
These fluctuations do not seem to be understood by everybody, so this website presents arguments, supported by actual electricity production data, to demonstrate that wind and solar alone cannot be a solution to global warming.
The opinion expressed in this website is that nuclear fission power is the best way in most countries to reduce CO2 emissions. An argument, which is starting to be popular, is that nuclear fusion is better than nuclear fission. The website explores fusion power describing the difficulties, costs and timescales of this as a possible future method to generate electricity. The website concludes that arguments being currently used to promote fusion over fission are exaggerated and even false.