Nuclear fission power is at last showings indications of a renaissance around the world. This web page shows various statistics taken from two different databases: PRIS ( and Wolfram Data Repository (
Figure 1. Construction start date of all nuclear reactors in Wolfram Database, separated into main reactor technologies: PWR, BWR and GCR. Data from 1955 to 2015 when entries in Wolfram Data base end.
Table 1: Statistics on reactor type, shutdown, operational and under construction from IAEA PRIS database
Figure 2: Statistics on type of operational reactors from IAEA PRIS database
Figure 3. Statistics on World reactor status from IAEA PRIS database
Comparing reactor construction times only makes sense taking into account the generation net capacities, Figure 4 and 5 show these data.
Figure 4. Construction duration normalized to net capacity, separated into main reactor technologies: PWR, BWR and GCR. Data from 1955 to 2015 when entries in Wolfram Data base end.
Figure 5. Construction duration normalized to net capacity, for all World reactors and all types compared to EPR reactors in operation and expected duration for reactors still in construction. Data from Wolfram Data base end. and Google for EPR status.